With my 2nd Half Marathon 2.5 weeks away the past two weeks and this week feel like they are all about catching up on some of the longer training that it seems like I have been missing. Going back to 15 mile long runs has been my favorite part of this training cycle. Long, long runs have always been one of my favorite components of high mileage and I have really enjoyed the 90 second and 3 minute pick-ups that were added to the last 9 to 11 miles of my last 2 long runs. Plus getting my mileage back up to the high 70s has also felt great. (Also, I have been a bit unconventional doing my last 3 long runs on Mondays or Tuesdays, but being physically prepared especially after travel is better than feeling the compulsion to do a "weekend long run.")
Travel has still played its evil role in my training by making one of my workout sessions a bit rough, but overall I am pleased with the direction I have been heading since April 28th.
June 1st! |
However, my current excitement for the next two weeks of coaching over shadows my excitement of heading back home to Virginia for my next race. The Lady Noles have put in so much hard work over the past months and it will all be put to the test next week at the NCAA East Prelims. I am definitely still excited to race at The Virginia Wine Country Half Marathon (
http://destinationraces.com/runvirginia/) on June 1st, but I know it won't really hit me until after the team's trip to Greensboro, NC next week. In the meantime I will get in another solid 2 weeks of training without wasting energy by spending too much time thinking about my own race until I blog again because there is lots to say about Destination Races and what kind of (special) event they seem to be putting on! Plus it will be my 1st race in my new Saucony Hurricane kit!